Canvas Prints


FAQ About Canvas Prints

What are canvas prints?

Canvas prints are high-quality reproductions of digital images or photographs that are printed onto canvas material. They provide a unique and artistic way to display your favorite memories or artwork.

Where is the best place to print photos on canvas?

At Printerpix, we take pride in offering high-quality canvas picture prints that are crafted with precision and attention to detail. Our state-of-the-art printing technology ensures that your photos are reproduced with exceptional clarity and color accuracy, resulting in stunning canvas prints that are sure to impress. With Printerpix, you can trust that your memories will be preserved on canvas in the best possible way.

How do I create my own canvas with Printerpix?

Creating your own canvas with Printerpix is easy! Simply use our intuitive design tool to upload your chosen image, select the canvas size and style, and customize any additional features. Once you're satisfied with your design, place your order, and we'll take care of the rest!

What types of canvas art can I create?

With Printerpix, the possibilities are endless! You can create canvas art featuring family photos, vacation snapshots, landscape scenery, pet portraits, abstract designs, inspirational quotes, and much more. Let your creativity soar and turn your favorite images into stunning works of art.

Can I order canvas prints of my own photos?

Printerpix specializes in custom canvas prints, allowing you to showcase your own photos in a beautiful and personalized way. Simply upload your images during the ordering process and we'll print them onto high-quality canvas material for you.

What sizes are available for custom canvas prints?

Printerpix offers a range of sizes for custom canvas prints to suit every space and preference. Our sizes typically range from small square 6"x16" prints to large 48"x36" canvas prints, with various sizes in between. Whether you're looking for a small accent piece or a statement-making centerpiece, we have the perfect size for you.

Is my canvas print ready to hang upon arrival?

For a small additional cost, you can have your canvas print ready to hang! Add a (pre-attached) sawtooth hanger to your cart whilst you’re inside our online builder.

Unleash Your Creativity: 6 Inspiring Ideas for Canvas Prints

Canvas prints have become a popular choice for adding a personal touch to home decor. With their versatility and ability to showcase stunning artwork or cherished memories, canvas prints offer endless possibilities for creative expression. Whether you're looking to create your own custom masterpiece or seeking inspiration for your next canvas art project, we've got you covered. Discover seven exciting ideas for canvas prints that are sure to ignite your imagination. The beauty of canvas prints lies in their ability to turn any image into a work of art.

1. Family Portrait Gallery Canvas Prints

Celebrate your loved ones and create a stunning family portrait gallery with canvas art. Gather your favorite family photos and create a cohesive collection of canvas art to display in your home. Mix and match different sizes and orientations for visual interest, or create a symmetrical arrangement for a clean and polished look. A family portrait gallery is a beautiful way to showcase your love and create lasting memories. Before you create a collage canvas print, check out our tips on how to make the perfect collage canvas print.

2. Travel Memories Canvas Prints

Turn your travel adventures into beautiful works of art with canvas art. Select your favorite travel photos and create a gallery wall that transports you to far-off destinations every time you walk by. Whether it's a breathtaking landscape, a bustling cityscape, or a serene beach scene, canvas art is the perfect way to capture the spirit of your travels and bring them into your home. We recommend creating a canvas panel display for this theme!

3. Pet Portraits Canvas Prints

Celebrate your furry friends with custom canvas prints of your beloved pets. Whether you have a playful pup, a curious cat, or a cuddly bunny, pet portraits are a heartwarming way to showcase your animal companions. Choose your favorite photos of your pets and create custom canvas prints that capture their unique personalities and charm. Pet portraits make great conversation starters and add a touch of whimsy to any room.

4. Inspirational Quotes Canvas Prints

Add a dose of inspiration to your home decor with canvas prints featuring your favorite quotes or mantras. Whether it's a motivational saying, a heartfelt message, or a line from your favorite poem, custom canvas prints are a stylish way to display words that uplift and inspire. Choose elegant typography and bold colors to make a statement, or opt for a minimalist design for a more understated look.

5. Nature Scenes Canvas Prints

Bring the beauty of the outdoors inside with canvas prints of nature scenes. Whether you're drawn to majestic mountains, tranquil forests, or serene seascapes, canvas prints are the perfect way to capture the natural world and add a sense of calm to your space. Choose images that evoke a sense of peace and tranquility, and create a gallery wall that transports you to your favorite outdoor destinations. Create your own canvas in minutes with Printerpix.

6. Abstract Art Canvas Prints

Embrace your creative side and add a modern touch to your home decor with custom canvas prints of abstract art. Whether you prefer bold colors, geometric shapes, or fluid forms, canvas art offers endless opportunities for self-expression and interpretation. Create a gallery wall of abstract canvas prints to add visual interest and intrigue to your space, or choose a single statement piece to serve as a focal point in a room.

Canvas prints offer a versatile and stylish way to showcase your creativity and personalize your home decor. Whether you're creating your own canvas art or seeking inspiration for your next project, the ideas mentioned above are sure to spark your imagination and help you create beautiful works of art that reflect your unique style and personality. So why wait? Start creating your own custom canvas prints today and make your space truly one-of-a-kind.

Tips for Creating a Striking Gallery Wall with Canvas Prints

Creating a gallery wall with canvas prints is an art form that allows you to express your unique style and personality while transforming your space into a stunning showcase of artwork. Whether you're decorating a living room, bedroom, hallway, or office, a well-curated gallery wall can instantly elevate the ambiance of any room. We’ll provide you with tips and inspiration for creating a gallery wall with photo canvas prints that will leave a lasting impression. Create your own canvas from any device — mobile, desktop, computer or laptop!

1. Choose Your Photo Canvas

The first step in creating a gallery wall is selecting the canvas prints that will be the focal point of your display. Consider the overall theme or aesthetic you want to achieve and choose prints that complement your style. Whether you prefer landscape photography, abstract art, or family portraits, there are endless options for creating custom canvas prints that reflect your personality and taste.

2. Plan Your Layout

Before hanging your photo canvas, it's important to plan out your gallery wall layout. Start by measuring the wall space and laying out your prints on the floor to experiment with different arrangements. Consider factors such as spacing between prints, overall balance and symmetry, and the height at which you want to hang them. Don't be afraid to mix and match different sizes and orientations for added visual interest.

3. Frame or Go Frameless

When it comes to framing options for your canvas prints, you have a choice between traditional framed canvas prints or frameless canvas art. Framed prints offer a classic and polished look, while frameless canvas art provides a more contemporary and minimalist aesthetic. Choose the option that best suits your personal style and complements the artwork you've selected for your gallery wall.

4. Mix and Match

To create a visually appealing gallery wall, mix and match different photo canvas prints to add depth and dimension to your display. Experiment with a variety of subjects, styles, and colors to create a cohesive yet eclectic look. Consider incorporating personal photos, inspirational quotes, and abstract designs to create a gallery wall that tells a story and reflects your individuality.

5. Play with Placement

When hanging your canvas prints, don't feel constrained by traditional grid layouts. Get creative with placement by staggering prints at different heights or arranging them in a diagonal or asymmetrical pattern. Check out our article on how to hang your canvas print if you need a step-by-step guide.

6. Create a Theme

For a cohesive and curated look, consider creating a theme for your canvas pictures. Whether it's a collection of travel photos, a series of black and white prints, or a gallery dedicated to a specific color palette, having a theme can help tie your gallery wall together and create a sense of harmony and cohesion. With Printerpix, you can create your own canvas to your exact vision. Our state-of-the-art design tool will bring your photos to life.

7. Add Personal Touches

Finally, don't forget to add personal touches to your canvas picture prints to make it truly unique and meaningful. Consider incorporating custom canvas prints featuring your own artwork, family photos, or favorite quotes to infuse your gallery wall with personality and sentimentality.

Creating a stunning gallery wall with canvas pictures is a fun and creative way to enhance your home decor and showcase your personal style. By following these tips and inspiration, you can create a gallery wall that is not only visually appealing but also reflects your individuality and tells a story that is uniquely yours. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and transform your space with canvas picture prints that will leave a lasting impression.

If you’re looking for more personalized photo gifts, view our entire selection here.